Category: Tips
How to Manage Freelancers without Losing Your Mind
According to a recent Forbes forecast report, by 2020 one in two people will be a freelancer. The report also says traditional hiring is decreasing and the next team you might be leading could have many freelancers. Managing freelancers is a bit different from regular employees, as there is no hierarchical relation with them. If…
Creative Teams: How to Lead and Manage Them
Leading and managing a team is difficult enough. However, leading creative teams is more challenging as you have to maintain the delicate balance of inspiration, creativity, and productivity. When leading creative teams you have to exhibit more emotional intelligence to handle all of your team members. Here are a few tips that will help you…
How to Make Powerful First Impressions & Guarantee Follow Up
How many times have you heard someone say, “You never get a second chance at a first impression” or “Never hire anyone who reports to you that you don’t like from a first impression?” Ouch. Could we make meeting someone for the first time sound any more daunting? Humans are judgmental creatures, that’s a fact. …
The Benefit of Using an Executive Search Consultant
Finding qualified employees is very difficult and time consuming task. Any employee that has placed a job opportunity advertisement of any type can tell you countless stories of unqualified individuals that have applied for their advertised position. The higher the pay, the more people that will apply. The time and money spent wading through hundreds…