How to Build a Technical Skills Test for Prospective Employees

While evaluating initial credentials is straightforward, assessing a candidate’s technical skills in the process of technical interviewing can be a different ball game. The world is moving in a digital direction, and nearly every organization requires tech-savvy employees. In technical hiring, finding the right person for the job isn’t always as easy as checking off qualifications on a résumé. Technical skills testing such as coding are best measured using a code interview platform that can record and aid in the analysis of their performance.

But keep in mind that even an extraordinary computer geek won’t bring much to the table if they lack basic communication skills. A company’s culture is about more than just a collective hub of talented individuals all doing their own thing. Everyone should have the ability to work together towards a common goal; understanding the role they play on a holistic level.

Not every technical hiring manager has technical experience, so what can they do to reduce that learning curve? Gaps in technical knowledge can be filled using a mixture of communication between the IT and technical hiring departments, and multi-tiered coding online tests that look at every crucial aspect of a candidate’s technical interviewing performance.

Factors to assess when interviewing for a technical role

Interviewing for technical positions begins with an understanding of human metrics, or the hard and soft skills necessary to do the job. Technical skills testing is a process that includes more than one evaluation. The technical hiring manager will need to know how to identify information that can give a real insight into the candidate’s skill set.

It is not just about whether they can solve a complex problem, it’s about how they communicate the procedure to the people they’ll be working with. These are the skills that act as a gatekeeper for the position. Before moving forward with the technical interviewing process, you’ll need to know whether the applicant can fulfill the basic job requirement otherwise, you’re only wasting everyone’s time.

When it comes to technical hiring, a candidate’s employment history and accomplishments are extremely vital. Don’t just ask about the place where they worked, make an effort to learn more about their role in different projects, the speed at which they progressed through the organization, and the reason they left former positions. A person who’s highly skilled and talented in a technical position will climb through the ranks quickly. Asking for a detailed history can throw some light on their skill level, the capability to work with others, and their growth potential.

Even a fresh college graduate may have done some amazing projects at school. Listen to what the candidate has to say, and how they express it. A real asset is authoritative without being arrogant and is always open to learning new materials and techniques.

Technical hiring strategies and Check their notes on how they solve a coding online test

Probing deeper into a candidate’s qualifications can expose weakness and hidden talents. It’s a matter of asking the appropriate questions and understanding how to interpret the results.

During a coding online test, a candidate is usually encouraged to solve a wide array of different problems. A code interview platform can record the results, the time it took to complete a problem, and the accuracy of their solutions.

Under pressure, it’s easy to make mistakes, and when a coding online test doesn’t mimic a realistic scenario for your company, then it’s important to consider the thought process of the candidate. Encourage them to take notes, and review these with them afterward. This provides valuable insight into their problem-solving skills and their ability to communicate under pressure.

Challenging the candidates in the code interview platform

It is necessary to recruit people who can think outside the box and rise to every occasion. Ask them a question or give them a problem in technical skills testing that is outside of their specified comfort zone. Gauge the candidate’s response, and carefully measure how they react when frustrated. It is okay to get agitated, but giving up or getting angry can expose poor coping mechanisms. Ask them how they would find the solution in the work environment and assess the candidate’s problem-solving skills.